size chart

This size chart is for guideline purposes only, we believe that Everybody is born unique, different and some styles may fit you Well than others. And that shouldn't stop you from embracing and loving your body without comparing your worth to a size.


Pass a tape measure across your back, under your arms and over your breastbone at its widest point, making sure the tape measure is horizontal. It should sit snugly against your body, but should not be pulled too tight.

Pass the tape measure around your natural waistline, at the narrowest point of your waist. The tape measure should sit snugly against your body, but should not be pulled too tight.

Pass the tape measure across your hipbone, around the largest part of your hips. Make sure the tape measure is horizontal.


We desire to cater to all body shapes and sizes, If you will like a custom size not mentioned above don't hesitate to email to get started on a piece just for you.